
We're so glad you're joining!

Here's how this works:

  1. Fill in the form. Please note all this information is for office use only, none of it is visible on the site
  2. Press Submit
  3. Click the Paypal Subscribe button, which will take you to Paypal
  4. Fill out the form - if you're a Paypal member you can use it directly, but don't worry if not: you can use it as a guest and just fill in you card details.
  5. It won't charge you - you get a free 1 month trial period. It will charge you after that has elapsed, and carry on annually until you unsubscribe, which you can do any time.
  6. Wait for the welcome email (probably just a couple of days max, we're doing this manually at the moment to monitor for spam) which will give you access to your account.